Agent Profiles
Not only does Amos include critical information fields related to Insurance Agents, but we can add custom fields specifically for your business.
Amos also enables users to store special attachment to agent profiles whether it be:
- Personal Photo
- Copy of Contract
- Other Critical Files
Create a management heirarchy system to make sure agents know who to answer to and administrators know who is in charge of each agent.
Utilizing the New Management-Relationship feature, users can add managers, assign agents to managers, and add commission rates, certifications dates, and writing numbers.
Relationships, Products, Clients, Leads
Along with Agents, Amos allows users to add products, clients, and leads. After populating the added fields, users can generate a relationship report between any of the above and a certain agent.
This allows for specific performance reviews for sales volume of a product, active client base, or leads generated.